I want to make sure you have the right equipment to hand when baking for the best results.
so I have listed the equipment below...
Baking paper or non-stick baking spray
BAKING PAPER: is great for lining cake pans and it’s also great to have on hand for wrapping cookies and bars.
BAKING SPRAY: Invest in some non-stick baking spray for novelty tins and your cakes will come out cleanly every time.
Measuring cups
Remember to use a knife when measuring and don’t compact dry ingredients such as flour or powder sugar
Oven and refrigerator thermometer
This will ensure you bake at the correct and keep your non baked and baked items at a proper temperature.
Digital scales are preferable to manual scales as they are incredibly accurate, which is very important in the science of baking.
You just need one
A manual one or electronic one will assist you with removing lumps from your flour and add air
Mixer or handheld mixer
We use big mixers with paddle attachments in our bakeries, but at home a countertop version with a variety of attachments will work brilliantly to mix cake batter, fluff up meringues, make pastry and make frosting.
Hand-held electric whisks take a little more elbow grease but are space-saving and very effective at whisking up cake mixes and frosting.
Measuring cup
A multi-purpose heat proof glass measuring cup is ideal as you can clearly see what you are measuring out.
Mixing bowls
I use metal bowls for easy clean up and they don't break, i would suggest maybe a big and small bowl for mixing different quantities.
Piping bags
I use both reusable and disposable piping bags and nozzles are perfect for writing on and decorating cupcakes by creating icing designs and drawings.